Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Level Update HARD-er

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Edit: Newest version of this level is over here it seems hardest so far to me! Thanks again for everyone who gave me some feedback.  I will hopefully have another level out this week so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Hey there, been playtesting a bit over the last week and made some changes and thought I'd throw this out there for the more serious RTS players.  The situation is simple still, a straight up slugfest between you and an invading enemy.  Problem: AI is still incredibly passive.  I'm working on ways to force the AI to move seedlings towards the front but I haven't gotten anything to work yet so thats on the to-do list.

Another major change is the core-energy of the asteroids is much higher than usual, even small asteroids have a core energy of 400 or so which means it takes a little bit of time for an asteroid to change hands even if one side has a huge advantage.  Take advantage of this if you get over-run to regroup a few asteroids back.  You'll need to spread out quickly and get a good supply of seedlings streaming towards the front if you want to have a chance.

Your only advantage is your flowers (which the AI just doesn't use most of the time, or plants them wherever they grow instead of packing them on the best asteroids) so use them well.  Massing Laser Mines in groups of three or more at chokepoints is probably a good idea too.

Thnx i will test :)
Edit: This map was good, but still very easy.
I think need in player (human) side create asteroids with low quantity trees.
And in computer (AI) side, more trees.

I liked when i cant reach big asteroid (becouse low radius), and i must go around. But computer can reach (becouse he have big radius) and he attacks all the time if i dont have defence :)
So ... mb u try create asteroids position and size with specific tree number?

p.s. my eng sux  :-X

I have thought about making a map where the player has the raw deal with the asteroids.  The way it is now the centre asteroids are randomly generated, giving the level some re-playability.  I wish I had a way to set the AI to defend a specific asteroid.  When I was playtesting the AI would often leave its main asteroid undefended to go chasing after my nearly worthless undefended asteroids.  Oh well, hopefully we get a patch in a month or two that makes the AI a little smarter.

Really, the main problem is how passive the enemy AI is.  Even when it outnumbers you 3 : 1 it will sit there for ten minutes doing nothing.  I've looked at just forcing it to send waves of seedlings out towards your own asteroids but I haven't found a way to make that work simply yet, but its the main conceit behind my next map so I'll figure something out.

I'll be refining this more but its really good to get feedback, on my next weekend I'll try posting an insane version and see if anyone can beat it.

Thanks for the suggestions too, I'm working on a couple of other maps and I like the idea of limiting the number of trees on the player side. 

You can actually influence the AI quite a lot using the global variables and the object fields for AIs.

--- Quote from: cinemabaroque on November 10, 2009, 03:22:06 AM ---Really, the main problem is how passive the enemy AI is.  Even when it outnumbers you 3 : 1 it will sit there for ten minutes doing nothing.  I've looked at just forcing it to send waves of seedlings out towards your own asteroids but I haven't found a way to make that work simply yet, but its the main conceit behind my next map so I'll figure something out.
--- End quote ---
Values like these will help you -- for more on that see the Lua reference
Cowardicefloat (0-1)chances of retreating a battle we are losing.BattleSavvyfloat (0-1)chances of picking a battle for a valuable asteroid - don't put this at 1 or the AI will only look at one asteroid at a time!RecognisableThreatProportionfloat (0-1)enemy army size relative to ours before it's considered a threat.ReinforcementGreedfloat (0-1)proportion of existing forces elsewhere to send in aid of battle.AidEnthusiasmfloat (0-1)how much to overshoot the battle rating when sending aid, to allow for inbound enemy forces, estimate errors, travel time, wanting to win, etc.

I modified all of those variables without much difference in the overall behavior.  I've been toying with them and if I do nothing the new AI code conquers my home world around 600 seconds faster than the original  AI.  Although ten sample runs is hardly statistically significant.

You can open the text file of the Lua level to see what I did, its before the main game loop and there is a comment mentioning the experimental AI code.

In particular the ReinforcementGreed variable seems to be important for getting the AI to attack in force.

Thank you for the support.  If you've been messing around with the AI variables I'd like to get more feedback as the AI needs some teeth.


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