Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Map - The Prisoners

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Lost Seedling:
Excellent! I'm glad you are enjoying it. You will have to use different tactics at the higher levels.

I'm working on something else right now that I think Eufloria fans will enjoy also.

Here it is-;topicseen#msg14814

Hello! Thank you 4 this lever, i had a lot of pleasure while playing this level. I won in level 1, level 2, level 3. Great! May be it will be a little better if players could not be possible to chahge dificulty during the game. But anyway, the level is Great, Thank you! Go on an give us new one. =)

Lost Seedling:

--- Quote from: Diamond on March 13, 2014, 06:21:53 PM ---Hello! Thank you 4 this level, i had a lot of pleasure while playing this level. I won in level 1, level 2, level 3. Great! May be it will be a little better if players could not be possible to change difficulty during the game. But anyway, the level is Great, Thank you! Go on an give us new one. =)

--- End quote ---

You're welcome, Diamond! It's nice to hear when your hard work is appreciated. Yes, I debated whether or not to allow the player to change the difficulty level once a game has started since that could be interpreted as "cheating"; but in the end, the goal is really to give the player as much value for their time as possible. If their choice is to win a level by "cheating" and lowering the difficulty during the game, they are only depriving themselves the pleasure of overcoming a challenge. If that makes them happy, so be it, as that is the purpose of the game in the first place.

Let me know if you can complete the mission on the "Super" level. It is possible BUT you will have to use your wits to be successful!

Jazz Ad:
Yes, a new mod and a good one at that. I was able to beat it in super after a few tries but it's really hardcore.
The entry points for reinforcements are really neat and bring new mechanics to the game.
It could lead to a lot of other scenarios.
I never dared liberating the prisoners before completely erasing the mutants though, so it wasn't really a quest to protect them. Maybe I miss some of the fun ?
Thank you anyway.

Lost Seedling:
Jazz Ad, I'm quite surprised you were able to eliminate the Mutants on the "Super" level. That is something I wouldn't have thought possible. Did you play the whole game on that level from the start or did you increase the difficulty level during the game? However you did it- I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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