Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Map: Save Our Solar System

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Brad, just you use the “modify” button (instead of the quickedit icon) for editing your opening post, then you can change the subject line.

Lost Seedling:

--- Quote from: Brad vas Normandy on April 30, 2012, 09:18:53 PM ---

I'm glad that you have enjoyed it so much. Just out of curiousity, how long did one match take for you? And also was the map size too big or the planets too small?

I'm working on the problem with selecting the planets, I'm currently having that problem with only Mars.

--- End quote ---

On my second play-through, I only encountered the glitch with Mars again. I didn't find the map size too big. However, on a map that large, and just speaking from my personal opinion, I find trying to click and select the relatively small asteroids somewhat tedious. I had the same experience with Hitman271's Galaxium Beta map. It requires a lot of zooming in and out. But- that is just the nature of the map if it has small asteroids. I actually like the sense of huge scales and vast distances because of it.

On my second playthrough, I played more aggressively and managed to complete it in probably 30 minutes? I'm not sure but it didn't take long.

Going to test the map, exciting when new fellas make maps :D

(click to show/hide)
--- Quote ---Fixing planets moving after game paused:

Replace this:

--- Quote ---   while GameRunning() do
      -- each planet gets moved while the game runs
         for a = 0, 8 do
--- End quote ---
with this:

--- Quote ---   gameTime = GetGameTime()
   while GameRunning() do
      if (gameTime < GetGameTime()) then
         gameTime = GetGameTime()
         -- each planet gets moved while the game runs
            for a = 0, 8 do
--- End quote ---

Oh wow, I really must like modifying others work :/

I've fixed the planets moving while game paused, re-sized the planets so it makes more sense(mercury can't be smaller than an asteroid? :)) and I've made the asteroids spin around the sun... I can PM it to you if you want the new version, no worries if you don't. :)
--- End quote ---

Constructive criticism: I like the map very much, the only thing you should take a look into is the fact that all the planets reach each other and increase the spawncap on the asteroids as the fewer adjacent asteroid you have the more you risk when sending out seedlings.

Nice job, great idea :)

I also had the problem selecting Mars and Uranus.  If you're thinking of tweaking anything I would suggest increasing the planet sizes, especially Pluto (ok it's technically not a planet anymore... sheesh, I hate that ;)) to make it easier to send seeds to them.  Overall it was a nice level but TBH I found it quite easy.


--- Quote from: Lost Seedling on April 30, 2012, 02:54:59 PM ---Since the "Central Roid of User Creations" is no longer being updated,...

--- End quote ---

I'm working on this bit now i'm back :D


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