Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

[MAP] Recursion (WIP)

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Aw. I liked the super send distances. You could use those planets to defend the core, or get those last annoying asteroids that almost never went near one of your asteroids.

Jazz Ad:
I'm not sure I understood half of what was going on.
I couldn't even say if the map is easy, difficult or if I just got lucky but it was super fun to play.

any updates for this???
ill be including it in the cleaner release of the Custom Level's thread so any updated info would be great.


Nothing that's in a working state right now unfortunately. I was a lot busier than I thought I was going to be last semester, and although I have done quite a bit of work on this since then it's mainly been to the quartz composition prototype I've been doing most of my designing and testing in than the level itself.

I think I found out what was happening to the send distances... some of the asteroids won't within range of other asteroids when the level was setup, so the game increased the size of the send distances of some of the asteroids to make sure they were all accessible. At the moment I'm making it so that the send distance of the orbited asteroids are just big enough to reach the asteroids orbiting around them.

Other things I've been doing include:

* Making the fractal engine into a class, similar to what I did with annikk's gravity engine here.
* Designing a few more asteroid patterns (one of which will use the system clock).
* Trying to make a function to do a brute-force search for pattern variables where the asteroids don't get too close or collide. I've probably been spending too much time on this though, so I likely won't be working on this anymore.
* Porting a function I'd made in my prototype that draws colour coded lines between asteroids within sending distance (really only debugging purposes).
I'll need to make the fractal engine a bit more versatile so that the asteroids that control the fractal pattern can be moved more freely (rather than just in a circle as they are now) to make the pattern that relies the time given by the system clock to work.
I'll also probably be removing the code that writes out to the debug file considering how many problems that was causing.

Ok I know this is an old thread, but I just played your level and I want to tell you how much I loved it. I just played most of the levels posted on this site in fact, and this one is the best. I'm not saying its perfect, only that its the best I've ever seen. It took me a few tries to grasp the orbital patterns, and to develop a workable strategy. It was challenging enough at the beginning, but not impossible. Some of the other hard levels were so crazy I just had to retry them until I developed a specific strategy and got lucky. This one was more of a puzzle than a perfect execution/luck challenge. I valued the long-range asteroids the highest, and the medium range ones with high attributes second. Nice work throwing in some tempting asteroids that rarely come in range of any others. Just like every level for this game, my main complaint is that there is pretty much an inflection point, once you get a good enough foothold as long as you don't screw it up you've got the game won. I suppose the solution for this would be to make the AI spawn faster and faster as they become outnumbered. I've written AI's before for simple games and found that if you can write them with perfect logic they're too hard (and fast) and humans loose 90% of the time. I wrote a battleship game once and thought I had considered everything, but it was too easy. When playing against humans its best to cheat. Not too much, not too little, just the right amount.

Well I really went off on a tangent there, the point is that your level is badass and I wanted to commend you on it


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