Euflorium: The Eufloria Community

Eufloria => Eufloria Classic => Eufloria Classic Mods => Topic started by: Lost Seedling on September 19, 2012, 08:02:13 PM

Title: Button Interface
Post by: Lost Seedling on September 19, 2012, 08:02:13 PM

The Button Interface  introduces a new and convenient way of interacting with the game, whether you are a player or a programmer.

As a player, your ability to control actions within the game are restricted to the very limited and simplistic commands provided by the native mouse interface, or by the  mouse-activated enhancements written by the map-maker. The developer's console is a third option, but it's use is extremely unwieldy and unpleasant. I offer the Button Interface as an alternative.

As seen in the picture above, the Button Interface is currently a panel of 12 "buttons". Each button can be programmed to perform any unique function or series of functions the programmer desires. The buttons can take on any design limited only by the programmer's imagination. As it is currently configured, the buttons are activated by mouse-over, so no clicking is necessary. The button panel can be moved anywhere on the screen by the player's preference of location. Without too much trouble, individual buttons could be swapped out with other button functions as more are developed, or an entire panel can be indiviidualized as needed.

So, I offer this as an alternative to all map-makers and programmers who currently suffer from using the Developer's console or who think this is something they'd like to use in a future map-design. I consider this a work-in-progress, so any comments or suggestions for change or improvement, or overall practicality are welcome.