Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support

Very small bug/mistype


small mistype in file Resources\level2.level line 52 in Dyson 1.10:
wrong xml tag closing (grace attribute out of ateroid tag)?

  <asteroid pos="-4500,2500" attribs="0.5,0.2,0.9"  owner="3" trees="1,0" seedlings="15"  static="false"/> grace="900"/>

Looks like it - thanks! (i wonder why that loads without breaking)


--- Quote from: Alex on February 15, 2009, 10:43:11 PM ---Looks like it - thanks! (i wonder why that loads without breaking)

--- End quote ---

.NET isn't a klutz when it comes to misformed xml, just like Firefox will happily render webpages with < and />s missing :)

Good to know :)


--- Quote from: Alex on February 16, 2009, 01:37:18 AM ---Good to know :)

--- End quote ---

That being said, it's a better idea to keep your xml well formed, lol...


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