Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
Globals():Get("Structures"):Set("DieOfOldAge", 0)
and this :Globals():Get("Structures"):Set("OldAgeTimeLimit", 300)
:P Never found that the tree may die due to old age until I viewed the default.lua!
I guess that the "DieOfOldAge" is the same as "Flowers.Available",so if I set this variable to 1,trees will die after 300 seconds?
:o Did I guess it?
:) another question...What does "RootSpeed" stand for?Why does "Structures" have this property while "StructuresDefense" does not ?
:D Found more interesting properties!
"NoSeedlingLimit" "FullBarPreventsTreeDeath"
hey you! What are you doing in our secret room!
Rootspeed is how fast the roots grow, which can have remarkable strategic consequences
"Die of old age" is to do with a new ambient mode we are working on....
--- Quote from: Rudolf on December 19, 2012, 06:29:13 PM ---hey you! What are you doing in our secret room!
Rootspeed is how fast the roots grow, which can have remarkable strategic consequences
"Die of old age" is to do with a new ambient mode we are working on....
--- End quote ---
Wow!The possibility of the trees' death will make the game much more strategic,and lots of fun indeed!
Expect but not demand for more new features,like other kinds of super weapons!Or seeds with special abilities! ^O^
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