Just want to say that I'm really happy to have proper graphics finally. I wanted to play the game the way it was intended, so I haven't tried it until now. I'm around level 10, and I like what I'm seeing. The conjoined spheres of influence are definitely an improvement. I also think it's really cool to be able to sort seedlings by their best attribute. It's a lot like something I suggested! Makes me feel important. It's a bit more interesting to see the core energy unrelated to the seedling energy. Makes some ripe targets and really worthless fortresses, adds a bit of complication to the game. So far the difficulty ramp seems a lot smoother, which is good. More interesting scenarios too. The reduced cost of trees has affects I can't completely define, but I'm not sure if it's particularly good or bad. Seems like the trees usually produce slower now. If that's true and it isn't just me, not sure I like that. As to whether it really makes the game worse or better, again I can't say.
My only complaint so far is the new combat sounds. Very subtle compared to the little laser blasts in Dyson. You can look at a battlefield with your sound effects turned all the way up and still hardly hear anything, and what you do hear doesn't sound like stuff getting killed.
I know it's a delayed reaction, but when the only bad thing I have to say about a game is one sound effect, you're doing something seriously right.
Anyway, woohoo! Very happy to be able to play now. I like it a lot.