Minecraft God Inspired by Minecraft and Black & White 2 WHAT DOES THE GAME CONSIST OF? On HUD - - Mana - Buildings - Blueprints - Making Blueprints - Resources - Store Center Block - Trading - Hand - The hands functionality - Selecting and Dragging - Highlighted - Move camera - Drag - Zoom in/out - Rotate - Choose pitch - Boundaries? - Miracles - Water - Lava - Fire - Sapplings - Undead - Life - Shield - Portals - Minimap On MAP - - Buildings - Beds - Civilizations - Humans - Enemies - Gods - Trading - Hand - Miracles GameTypes - - Adventrue/Campaign - How to get a map having a specific form, but also making radom maps? - Map one, Tutorial level - Map two, Death of a god - Map three, Lords of glory - Map four, - Map five, - Skrimmish - Free Play - Toy Box But: What is the objects and blocks? What does the intercation cost? What is the max mana? What is all the blocks that is added? Portals? What if the players have no building? No boundaries then?? How much mana does prayers and sacrifices generate? Defeating a civilization?? DESCRIPTIONS: On HUD - Mana: Mana is generated by prayers, and is the main resource for the player(god), because mana makes the player able to interact with the Minecraft World. Prayers generate various amounts depending on how intense the prayer is. This means how much experience the human unit has. Sacrifice also generates mana, but only a oneshot mana generation. Praying generates mana untill the prayer stops praying. Buildings: Buildings is one of the main thing in the game. The map will include all the minerals/items that the original Minecraft World has to offer(when the player plays as a survivor, not god!). The buildings does only consist of blocks placed either by the god or a human villager. The human villagers need blueprints*, either custom made by the player or a blueprint that already exists. Blueprints*: Blueprints are building consisting of some specific blocks, there are alot of pre-made blueprints, but the player can make their own! The blueprints will be slightly blue, but very transparent! Making Blueprints: Making Blueprints is done with the blueprint editor, it can be acceced outside a game and in a game. For a blueprint to be accepted it must have at least have 13 blocks. A blueprint gets different roles for what blocks it has. If it has a furnace, it will become a smeltery, if it has several beds it will become a house and if it has Storage blocks it will become a storage building. Resources: Resources are the natural or unnatural resources the player find on the map, which can be collected by the god or the humans. They will be stored in a store center, which is marked by a store center block*. From here the god is the only one who has the power to craft new blocks/items to give to the humans again. The main resources(stone, dirt, wood) will be shown at the HUD at all time, but when clicking on one of them or the "Resources" text will make all resources apear on the HUD and show how many the player have of each. Clicking again, and the non-main resources will disappear from the HUD. Store Center Block*: Minecraft God will introduce Store Center Block, which shows where the player and Humans can store resources. It is only allowed to store on top of the store block, so havin one don't cause any AOE effect for storing! The player needs to make more to store more! Trading: Trading is important for making friendships with gods and land rulers. When trading, a trading window will appear and the player will offer something and the AI/opposite player will figure out something to make the offer fair. When one player has set as ready, there is no way to remove any objects/blocks from the trading window except if you cancel the trading, then both will get the resource back. Hand: The hand will apear both on the map and on the HUD. It shows the player where the pointer is so the player may interact with the object/block. Or the player may interact with the HUD by showing all resources or not or choosing blueprints from the blueprint section of the HUD. The hands functionality: Select and drag stuff Move camera Zoom in/out Rotate Choose pitch Selecting and dragging: Selecting and dragging is the main feature for interacting with the 'outside of HUD' world. To select and drag the player just left clicks on the highligthed* object/block to take it in the hand. When left clicking again the player drops it and it will apear on the map. If it is a block it will stack over(be placed over) the block the player left it on. But when selecting an object, the player can throw the hand forward and release the left mouse button, then the object will fly away with real gravity! Highlighted*: The highlighted object/block is the object/block under the players Hand, it will be apearing slightly lightblue, but still able to see the type of block and that it is highlighted! Move camera: Move camera is an essential part of seeing the Minecraft world in a different perspective! To move around with the camera the player right clicks, then hold the right mouse button down, and the camera will move the opposite way that the player drags* untill the player let go of the right mouse button. Drag*: Dragging is when the player holds down a mouse button and then move the mouse. Zoom in/out: Zooming make the player able to see things in a bigger/smaller scale. The player zooms when he scrolls the middle mouse button. The game zooms toward the players mouse, maybe changing rotation and pitch! Rotate: Rotate is to see 3D models from different angles. The player must drag the middle mouse button(not scroll) to rotate. The camera will rotate the opposite way as the player does. Choose Pitch: Pitch let use see in bird vision or a foggys vision, to pich the player need to drag the middle mouse button(not scroll) to choose pitch. The camera will change pitch the opposite as the player hand does(up = down and down = up!). Boundaries?: The boundaries for the Hand is crucial so the player or any other god can't interact with enemies without throwing something. Boundaries can be extended with building more blueprints. Blueprints will be respected as buildings and nothing else. Miracles: Miracles are great powers possesed by a god, but theres a rule: No miracle with no mana! There are several different miracles: - Water - Lava - Fire - Sapplings - Undead - Life - Shield - Portals (in campaign mode!) Water: The water miracle will generate water springs(covering around 15 blocks in radius!) one block over the max height then it will be removed after three seconds. Theat way it will look something like rain! Lava: The lava miracle will act the same way as water, but will last six seconds before it is removed! Fire: The fire miracle will make around 3 blocks in radius from the point the hand casted the miracle to fire, if possible! Sapplings: The sapplings miracle will put sapplings in the areas possible in an radius of 15 blocks from the point the hand casted it! Undead: The undead miracle will create zombies and skeletons that is on the undeads side, but is useful for pillaging the enemies if there are any nearby! Life: The life miracle kills undead units and heals non-undead units, even the enemies' units! Shield: The shield miracle will make a large shield protecting from both miracles and objets that are thrown. But does not protect against units walking through it! Portals: Portals is only placeable when all the oppositions are dead. The player can choose which land to travel E.G; the player can travel back to land one when the player is in land four! Minimap: The minimap shows a mini version of the neverending map! The map and minimap will have a dense fog if the area isn't discovered. ON MAP - Buildings: Buildings in Minecraft God mainly consist of blocks that is possible to gather! But there is some blocks, like beds* and Storage Center Block(which is mentioned!) to build a civilization for the prayers. There is alot of buildings being possible to make with the old Minecraft blocks and with the new ones. (Read about buildings from the HUD for some more information!) Beds*: Beds are the main feture for a home for the players people. The people will be happy with beds, but under one condition: The bed must have roof for them to be happy, else the player can be evil and just put it whereever! Civilizations: Civilizations are lots of cities following one land owners/god! It will be an AI or a player playing a civilization. The cities an AI build will be build automatically as it chooses pre-made blueprints! Humans: Humans are the prayers for one land owners/god! They follow orders like: - Building - Gathering (Will be done automatically as the civilization/city needs resources) - Attaking and pillaging - Breeding (Will be done automatically during nights when they slepp, though there will be NO ANIMATIONS ABOUT IT!) - Eating (Will be done automatically if the city have food and the human is hungry) The humans also need a place to sleep, a bed. Each bed will make more space for new humans people. Disciples are also a shape of a human, the human will follow a certain task it has been ordered the rest of its life. To make a disciple the player drops the human down near something. If it is an unfinnished blueprint it will become a builder, if it is a tree it will become a lumberjack, etc... Enemies: Enemies are varying from creepers(D:) to pillagers: - Creeper - Skeleton - Zombie - Spider - Pillagers* - Other humans And maybe theese: - Vikings** - Crusaders*** Pillagers*: Pillagers will appear randomly from either land or a boat. They live in tribes and the assaults will appear from the tribes! Vikings**: Vikings only appear from water with fast and stable ships. You might find their tribe if you travel far enough! Crusaders***: Crusaders are rare, some of them might come and become the players or other GODS friends. Or they assault one of the civilizations fearlessly! Gods: Gods are either nice and friendly or evil and destructive. Each god has a random personality if you play skrimish. if you play campaign they will have a strictly chosen personality, but it can vary a little bit. It is possible to trade with another god, E.G; wooden planks for cobblestone or diamond for ALOT of redstone, this is done with the trading window. Hand: The hand does exactly the same as it does on the HUD. Miracles: Miracles are metioned before, but they exists on the map mainly! GameTypes: Campaign: How to get a map having a specific form, but also making radom maps? Well, make a map in the map editor, then it will follow a certain seed after the creation, tha map will then be generated as it gets discovered! Map one, the tutorials: The player starts with: 5.000.000 Mana No interaction possabilities or anything 100 logs and 100 beds 2 Humans History: The whole game starts with two humans meeting a creeper unprepared and without weapons for defending themself, they begin for help. Thats when the god is born and will help them by slapping the creeper to death. Now they are sure that there is a god and will do whatever for this god. The player will then learn about the Hand controls. Now the player also gain control over the two humans and start with a huge amount of mana (around 5.000.000, which will be enough for 2.5 million interactions with the blocks and objects) do finnish the tutorial level. The player will learn about the HUD and how to make blueprints and everything else. After the player will learn more about interactions with the Minecraft world, E.G; making humans disciples. Then as the player discovers more, the player encounter skeletons and zombies(no creepers(though the map started like that!) or spiders) and learns how to make an army when the player has enough humans. Now the player will meet a new god, this god is evil and will begin building in the land. The player must so defeat the god, but looses what so ever! Now a new god will appear and help the player, the player will now learn about trading. The new god and the player will now create a big army to crush the enemy god. The enemy god flees and the player have to follow to destroy him. To do so the player summons a portal and chooses to go to map two! Map two, Death of a god: The player starts with: 5.000 Mana Every Interaction possability No resources (Depends, normally none) 20 Humans History: After teleporting to the almost dead god, the player find out that the enemy god has a great civilization under his Hand, now the player starts with 5000 mana and 20 humans. The player got to build up an altar and get some houses for the humans. Later when the player almost defeat the god, which is simple, the god call on two more gods and they build up the civilization together and tries to crush the player. The player must build heavy defenses to survive their onslaughts and build up a great army. Now the player get support from the god in the last land and they together destroy the tri-gods! Skrimish: Skrimish or multiplayer features the normal random terrain generator and all the player get 20 humans, no buildings and 25.000 mana! The players starts far away from eachother. and then they build up an empire to then start war! Free Play: Free play is like a sandbox where the player builds and builds with no other threats than night time monsters, even they can be turned off! Free play gives the player 50 humans, no buildings, 125.000 mana! Toy Box: Toy Box is a map editor, it includes everything the player wants, except for the game code, like model editing and texture changing to a normal map editor where the player put out blocks and enemies. The player can choose wether it will be generating maps ouside of the map boundaries or if it will stay like an indev map. BUT: What is the objects and blocks?: Objects are items. Also one extra object is a boulder to be throwing. Humans and creatures are also found as objects! What does the intercation cost?: Pick up: 2 Mana Release: 0 Mana Place Blueprint: 5 Mana Miracles: Water: 250 Mana Lava: 1000 Mana Fire: 500 Mana Sapplings: 500 Mana Undead: 1500 Mana Life: 1500 Mana Shield: 500 Mana Portal: 2500 Mana What is the max mana?: The max mana amount is inf+ or 9.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999 What is all the blocks that is added?: Beds for Humans - Provides a place for them to sleep Storage Center Block - Stores a resource Altar - Allows prayers for mana. Sacrificial Pit - Allows for sacrificing Portals: Portals is placed by the player and chosen to teleport to the land the player chooses. This gives the player possablility to travel back to alnds once conquered to bring resources to the new lands. Yes, it is possible to send resources through the portals! The portal is not standing(like the nether portal) but is lying on the ground. What if the players have no building? No boundaries then??: There will be no boundaries, and the player can move whereever he wants, aslong as the fog is removed. When a player first build something, two boundires will appear: 1st: The normal boundary, where the player can do stuff like building and gathering 2nd: The building barrier, this one cannot be built on by other players unless they have a boundary, and will be 10 times greater than the normal boundary. All of the building barriers will be removed once all the players have one building atleast! How much mana does prayers and sacrifices generate?: Prayers depend on the desire for mana, if the player is under attack the player will get more mana, but it isn't good to be under attack! Sacrifices depends on how much life there is in the object the player sacrifice. Defeating a civilization??: Defeating a civilization happens when the player have captured all of its cities, but to capture a city the player can either do it by force with an army or the player can impress the cities by doing miracles and killing them with no reason, though don't kill them all!